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Model T
Based on the original SDM Hand, the Model T is the OpenHand Project’s first released hand design. The four underactuated fingers are differentially coupled through a floating pulley tree, allowing for equal force output on all finger contacts. All finger joints are flexure-based, made with Smooth-On polyurethane. An alternative design with pin-based base joints is also available.
R. R. Ma, L. U. Odhner, A. M. Dollar, “A Modular, Open-Source 3D Printed Underactuated Hand,” Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, Germany, May 6-10, 2013.
A. M. Dollar, R. D. Howe,”The Highly Adaptive SDM Hand: Design and Performance Evaluation,” International Journal of Robotics Research, 29 (5), 2010, pp. 585-97
Actuator: Dynamixel MX-64
Base Height: 95mm
Base Diameter: 100mm
Weight: 490g
Holding Force: 10-13N
Grasping SDM Hand (Video)
Flexure Base – Autonomous Grasping (Video)
Pin Base – Autonomous Grasping (Video)
Model T42
A more dexterous alternative to the Model T, the Model T42 contains two underactuated, flexure-based fingers, each driven independently by a Dynamixel servo. This type of hand, has been shown to be adept at both in-hand manipulation and precision grasping.
Actuators: Dynamixel RX-28 (x2)
Base height: 55-80 mm
Base width: 100 mm
Weight: 350 g
In-Hand Manipulation (Video)
Dexterous Grasping (Video)
Model O
Based on our lab’s work with iRobot and Harvard on the iHY hand, which won the DARPA ARM program, the Model O replicates the hand topology common to several commercial hands, including ones from Barrett, Robotiq, and Schunk (among others). A commercial version of this hand is currently for sale by RightHand Robotics.
Actuators: Dynamixel RX-28 (x2)
Base height: 55-80 mm
Base width: 100 mm
Weight: 350 g
i-HY Functionality – IEEE Spectrum (Video)
i-HY Functionality – IJRR (Video)
Model M2
The Multi-Modality (M2) gripper employs a single underactuated finger driven by both agonist and antagonist tendons, as well as a modular thumb that can be swapped out for different tasks. The actuated finger may exhibit either underactuated or fully-actuated behaviors, depending on the actuation scheme. A single-actuator version (Model M) is also available as a minimalist design alternative.
Actuators: 2x Dynamixel RX-28/MX-28 or Power HD Servo
Base Height: 55-80mm
Base Diameter: 90-105mm
Weight: 375g
M2 Gripper Functionality (Video)
Palpating gripper – design inspiration (Video)
Wrist Couplings
To accommodate the hands listed above, we also provide the designs for a set of mechanical couplings compatible with several of the most popular (and documented) robotic arm platforms.
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