ROBOPuppet is an initiative providing directions to to create inexpensive, table-top sized models of robots to […]
Poppy Project is an open-source humanoid platform based on robust, flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. URL: […]
Pneuflex is a pneumatically actuated, compliant robotic hand made from reinforced silicone rubber from TU Berlin. URL: […]
PICCOLO is a pocket sized open source CNC-bot. Using laser-cutting, off-the-shelf hardware and Arduino, you can […]
Open-Source Syringe Pump is an open-source syringe pump manufactured using an open-source RepRap 3-D printer and […]
OpenROV is a robotic submersible for underwater exploration. URL:
NimbRo-OP is a Humanoid open robotics platform. URL:
ModGrasp is an open-source rapid-prototyping framework for designing low-cost sensorised modular grasping hands from Ålesund University […]
Kilobot is a small mobile robot platform for swarm research from Harvard University. URL:
Jasmine (SwarmRobot) is a micro-robotics platform for swarm research. Originally from the University of Stuttgart. URL: